Resource Materials

External Links

Print Version: There is a pdf version available for download and printing. You can also get it printed and shipped to you directly through links on this page.

Links from the field: This page contains links that have the "votertechkit" tag on This links are being updated after publication of this web site. If you see something of interest, tag it and it will be added to the list.

Alliance for Justice: a national association of environmental, civil rights, mental health, women's, children's and consumer advocacy organizations. Their information on Nonprofit Advocacy is an important resource for 501(c)(3) organizations doing electoral work.

Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest: an important source for information on non-profit lobbying and advocacy.

The Election Reform Information Project’s comprehensive online guide to absentee and early voting.

The Funders' Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP) has case studies and other materials on 501c(3) voter engagement and community organizing.

The Internal Revenue Service: Tax Information for Charities and other Non-profits

MassVote is a non-partisan voting rights organization in Massachusetts. They have useful voter resources for 501c3 organizaions

NetCorps List Enhancement Action Project (LEAP) - North Carolina

Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network: a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to expanding the role 501(c)(3) nonprofits play in voting and elections by providing nonprofits with free voter engagment training and materials and ongoing support. Click here to download a PDF of their guide for 501(c)(3) organizations, Nonprofits, Voting & Elections.

SPIN Project: A resource organization that specializes in strategic communication and that is dedicated to helping grassroots organizers shape debates and shift public policy. We cite their how-to election messaging handbook, Loud and Clear in an Election Year: Amplifying the Voices of Community Advocates (2004), repeatedly in the Messaging section. (At $10, it's worth the price.)

Wellstone Action! has published an excellent training manual for grassroots campaigns. Many parts of it can be useful for voter projects done by community organizing groups.

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