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Anthony Thigpenn: “The second piece then is the actual mechanics of the walk itself. So going over, ‘Here’s the walk sheet,’ the walk list they’re going to use. And first, who’s on it. Who’s the universe they’re talking to and why. It’s an occasional voter universe, people who live in these neighborhoods, it’s a mixture of always voters, so why, who they’re going to be talking to. And then the specific coding that they’re going to be going through. You can tell when a person was registered, how old they are, all those kinds of things. That’s what this column means. Here are the surveys we’re doing. How would a person answer. If you ask a person, ‘Do you support this health care initiative?’ and they say, ‘Well, I’m not sure,’ is that a yes or a no? So some training just in terms of evaluating a person’s response so we’re getting real responses from people to that – how to evaluate whether a person’s a good volunteer lead, those things. And then we’ll do role play. We’ll give people an actual script and that script will codify the key themes and messages that we’ve agreed on are the most consistent and most effective to talk to people about. And they’ll role play those. And we’ll do a brainstorm, what worked and what didn’t work, and get their input. So they’ll say, ‘Well, but you left out this’ or ‘I don’t think that…’ So that they’re able to actually tailor the script based on the education they’ve just gotten but also their life experience with people in those communities.”